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Harris County Warns Against Unauthorized Dumpsites After Flooding From Hurricane Harvey
Harris County strongly urges residents to avoid creating debris stockpile sites in their neighborhoods (i.e. parking lots, medians, community centers, etc.) Unincorporated Harris County residents are encouraged to wait for County debris haulers to remove debris from the right-of-way in front of their homes. Harris County debris contractors are only collecting debris from sites located in County right-of-way.
Residents who are in the process of removing debris from their homes should follow separation instructions in the diagram provided by Harris County to help speed up the process and allow for safe operations. Debris removal will be ongoing throughout unincorporated Harris County. Debris collectors will make at least three passes in your area. Please be patient and be prepared.
Separate Your Debris into Piles—Debris should be placed curbside, without blocking the roadway or storm drains. Do not park vehicles on the street next to your debris piles. Separate your debris into six categories:
• vegetative,
• construction/demolition debris,
• appliances/white goods,
• electronics,
• normal household trash, and
• Household Hazardous Waste (HHW).
Normal household trash will NOT be picked up with disaster debris. You should continue to follow your normal garbage removal schedule. HHW, such as paint, automotive chemicals, batteries, and lawn chemicals will be picked up separately from the curbside. Please separate all HHW from other debris piles. Any debris placed from the sidewalk toward your property will NOT be picked up. Placing debris near or on trees, poles, or other structures makes removal difficult, which includes fire hydrants and meters. If you don’t have a sidewalk, ditch, or utility line in front of your house, place debris at the edge of your property before the curb. Use clear trash bags for loose debris, which does not include leaves. If you are in the process of clean-up and debris removal from your property, please take precautions to prevent disaster-related casualties and fatalities.
For additional information about debris separation, debris removal, and residential damage assessments please call the Harris County Residential Debris and Damage Assessment Hotline at 713-274-3880 or email is a Media Alert, News Release and Special List Notification Service that provides information in real time with an up to date database of major media contacts in your area. Simple to use and secure logon makes your best choice for information distribution. Interested
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