Public Infrastructure Department, Harris County, Texas
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
Program Manager: Cheryl Burton-Fentress
HHW Information Line: 281.560.6200
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Take Care of Texas Announces Kids Art Contest

 Take Care of Texas Announces Kids Art Contest.pdf

Take Care of Texas Announces Kids Art Contest

Entries now being accepted

Give your kindergarten through fifth-grade students a big heads-up. Today is the first day of the Take Care of Texas Kids’ Art Contest.

Now in its 6th year, the contest encourages kids to learn how they can help protect the state’s environment and share that knowledge with others.

To enter, each student must submit an 8.5-inch by 11-inch piece of artwork demonstrating ways to keep the water and air clean, save water or energy, or reduce waste. Each entry must contain the slogan “Take Care of Texas. It’s the only one we’ve got.”

Each of TCEQ’s 16 regional offices will select a winner. One grand prize winner will receive a laptop—and 15 students will win a tablet. The teacher of the student who designs the overall best artwork will also receive a tablet. Prizes are made possible through a donation from the Texas Chemical Council.

Entries must be postmarked on or before March 6, 2020. Winners will be announced on April 15, 2020.

Artwork and entry forms must be mailed to:

Take Care of Texas: Kids Art Contest, MC 118
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087

For more information, visit the Take Care of Texas website or send an email to

Take Care of Texas is a statewide campaign from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality that encourages all Texans to help keep our air and water clean, conserve water and energy, and reduce waste.




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